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Some of the worlds most effective leadership models, synthesised and applied

MetaAgility™ is designed to transcend the limitations of leadership books, theories and courses by integrating their fundamental strengths into an entirely new paradigm for leading organisations.

When Bruce Lee designed his own approach to martial arts; he transcended the limitations of contemporary fixed form martial arts. This distillation of multiples disciplines is about weaving a very careful thread that captures the positive benefit any given approach, while disregarding it limitations; arriving at something far more powerful and integrated.

MetaAgility™ allows leaders to flex and flow with the needs of their organisation, project or team, while levelling up their capacity to take on adaptive and complex challenges.

Meta Brand Books
The NXT Meta Brand book
The NXT Personality Categorisation
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What’s Next?
Who’s challenging our thinking
and living at the edge of ‘work’?

The What’s NXT Podcast™ is where we talk to leading thinkers all over the world about their insights on leadership, innovation, agility and change. Navigating and discussing the changing nature of work and the transformations it asks of leaders and teams in the future of work.

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A leadership level-up for high-potential leaders and executives looking for a breakthrough

MetaLeadership™ is a synthesis of individual, team and organisational approaches to change and transformation that allows leaders to leverage emergent complexity rather than combat or navigate it.

We’re passionate about developing leaders who can ride the wave of change and see change as an opportunity to SHIFT their team or organisation to a new space. A space that facilitates individual and career actualisation. 
Or as we like to say,
“from pyramid to plum tree”.

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Take your development to the edge and beyond.

MetaEdge™ is a synthesis of individual, team and organisational approaches to change and transformation that allows leaders to leverage emergent complexity rather than combat or navigate it.

We’re passionate about developing leaders who can ride the wave of change and see change as an opportunity to SHIFT their team or organisation to a new space.

Focused on develpeing greater levels of Emapthy, Awareness and Cursiosity, our coaching makes leaders VUCA ready while helping develop skills that leaders need to close the Complexity Gap.