Enterprise Services

Accelerating the next generation of leadership

Leadership Development

We look for (and find) the leader inside of everybody. Whether you’re looking to level up your team, accelerate your high-performers and upgrade your executives with some additional curiosity, empathy or awareness. Our programs are designed to bring MetaAgility to life in your leaders.

Leadership EventLeadership EventLeadership Event

Leadership Programs + Vertical Development

Our MetaAgility™ framework can be used as a universal set of core principles to inform or dovetail with your leadership programme, or you can take advantage of MetaLeadership™ our own leadership program that applies 15 concepts across 5 areas of leadership, combined with Vertical Development to ensure accelerated stage-shifts along with tangible improvements in workplace engagement.

Individual & Team Assessments

We provide MetaAgility™ assessments of individuals via a written assessment and 1-on-1 interviews. Our team, department and org assessments involved structured interviews with management and leadership as well and audits of team meetings and performance.

Individual & Team Assessments SessionIndividual & Team Assessments SessionIndividual & Team Assessments Session

MetaEdge™ Coaching

Our MetaEdge™ proprietary coaching framework is drawn from a synthesis of some of the most coherent and powerful coaching models. Over our career as coaches in multiple industries we have learnt that no one approach is perfect for all contexts.

Through this experience and hours of trial and error we have identified several core components that facilitate shifts in human capacity and performance.

Team DIscussion Session
Individual DIscussion Session

Executive Support

We operate as advisors, coaches and consultants to provide senior executive teams with exposure to thought leadership or immersion into new ways of working. Whether that’s a peer review, a corporate or digital strategy or an organisational architecture, we help executives lead, and leaders execute.

How can you possibly do strategic workforce planning or a learning and development programme without knowing the impact of AI on the current job and or the future job?

- Greg Miller
Strategy and Advisory Diagram

Strategy and Advisory

For business leaders and executives, we’re fundamentally the future of work. And that means our greatest passion is to help organisations (and their leaders) discover their future of work. What it means to them, what it’s going to take, and how they believe they can best get there. For us - this is what gets us out of bed in the morning.

Assessments and Risk Analysis

For executives, we’re at our best when we can dip into our toolkit of thought leadership and enterprise experience and find perspectives, experiences, case studies and ways forward that are not just useful, but bespoke and specific to the needs of the organisation and the season it finds itself in.

Assessments and Risk Analysis Graph

Board Facilitation and Offsites

For boards, we have both a unique perspective on the future, and a way of navigating and planning amidst uncertainty. A healthy tension between governance, people and digital has a way of enhancing objectives, improving discussions and stretching strategy in ways that boards are typically not exposed to.

Board Facilitation and Offsites Session EventBoard Facilitation and Offsites Session EventBoard Facilitation and Offsites Session Event

Events and Conferences

We operate as advisors, coaches and consultants to provide senior executive teams with exposure to thought leadership or immersion into new ways of working. Whether that’s a peer review, a corporate or digital strategy or an organisational architecture, we help executives lead, and leaders execute.

How can you possibly do strategic workforce planning or a learning and development programme without knowing the impact of AI on the current job and or the future job?

- Greg Miller
Leadership EventLeadership EventLeadership Event


Our MetaAgility™ framework can be used as a universal set of core principles to inform or dovetail with your leadership programme, or you can take advantage of MetaLeadership™ our own leadership program that applies 15 concepts across 5 areas of leadership, combined with Vertical Development to ensure accelerated stage-shifts along with tangible improvements in workplace engagement.


We provide MetaAgility™ assessments of individuals via a written assessment and 1-on-1 interviews. Our team, department and org assessments involved structured interviews with management and leadership as well and audits of team meetings and performance.

Individual & Team Assessments SessionIndividual & Team Assessments SessionIndividual & Team Assessments Session

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